Licensing is the first step towards opening or starting a daycare or preschool. Without a license or waiver, programs cannot legally enroll children.
At daycares and preschools alike, you'll find children singing at circle time, building with blocks, learning to share, and playing outdoors. So what's the difference between daycares and preschools, and why does it matter how you categorize your program?
Co-op preschools are all about collaboration and community. Board members are parents of enrollees, and shape everything from educational philosophy to hours and location.
If you’re thinking of launching a nature preschool, now is the time. Demand for quality outdoor early childhood education is soaring! This guide walks you through, step by step, how to start a nature preschool, and includes a number of valuable resources.
A mini case-study about launching an enrichment program at Oak Leaf Cooperative Preschool
Starting a preschool? Thinking about it? This is a step-by-step guide for methodically starting a preschool
Jovial offers high-quality preschool management software — at no charge — to all non-profits and smaller for-profits.
About JovialChildren learn best through hands-on experiences, but it can be tempting to sneak worksheets into a preschool curriculum ...
Thank you for being a Stakeholder of Jovial. As a Stakeholder, you benefit by having access to preschool management soft ...
Licensing is the first step towards opening or starting a daycare or preschool. Without a license or waiver, programs ca ...
At daycares and preschools alike, you'll find children singing at circle time, building with blocks, learning to share ...